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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Councillors & Council meetings

Find policies, plans and strategies about Councillors and Council meetings.


Title Summary
Audit and Risk Committee Charter The Committee’s role is to monitor, review and advise the Council on the standard of its financial control, risk management and corporate governance.

The Committee is established as an advisory Committee of Council under Section 53(1) of the Local Government Act 2020, reporting to Council. The Council’s insurance policies will provide indemnity to Audit and Risk Committee members.
CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy This policy is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and outlines the way in which Council will manage the recruitment and appointment of its Chief Executive Officer, provides consistency for contract inclusions, performance monitoring and requirement for annual review.
Civic Protocol Policy This policy provides guidelines on activities related to Civic Protocols and the traditions of the Office of the Mayor. The policy articulates the expenditure, organisation and frequency of civic events and specifies how, and under what circumstances, civic honours will be awarded to an individual, group or organisation.
Complaints Against Councillors Policy Guides how a complaint from a member of the community against a Councillor, or where a Councillor is the subject of a complaint against Council, is to be investigated.
Council Expenses Policy This policy outlines the resources and applicable reimbursement provided to Councillors and members of delegated committees as reasonable support to perform their duties, as defined by the Local Government Act 2020, without disadvantage. This policy provides guidance on entitlements, the process for claiming and assessing reimbursements as well as the applicable reporting requirements.
Councillor Code of Conduct This Code of Conduct sets the standards of conduct, behaviour and commitments of Councillors at the City of Casey.
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy for Councillors The Policy provides a consistent set of guidelines and a reporting procedure for Councillors to deal with gifts and hospitality that may be offered to them as part of their role as a Councillor.
Good Governance Framework The public expect that Casey City Council is governed in a way that is to the highest standards of integrity, transparent, and conducted with good governance. This Framework outlines the mechanisms Casey City Council has or is currently embedding to ensure good governance is at the core of Casey City Council’s work.
Governance Rules
Protocols for Councillors Administering Planning Matters This policy applies to the City of Casey Council in its capacity and role in decision making as Planning Authority and Responsible Authority primarily under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

It articulates the decision-making processes, including opportunity for the community to be engaged through this.
Public Interests Disclosures Policy This policy outlines the way in which any individual, including members of the public, staff and Councillors can disclose information which enables the prevention of fraud and corruption.
Public Transparency Policy This policy aims to formalise Council’s commitment to transparent decision-making processes and freely available public access to Council information.

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