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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Cats in Casey

Registration tags

Your cat must wear a registration tag at all times to ensure it can be identified if lost. If your cat is found without a registration tag, you may receive a fine.

It's also a good idea to put your name and phone number on your cat's collar. This can help us get your cat back to you quickly and easily.

Registration tags are a life-long tag for your dog or cat. If your tag is lost or broken, we will replace it free-of-charge dogs or cats currently registered in the City of Casey.

Order a new/replacement cat tag.

If you cannot order a new or replacement tag for your cat online, please get in touch with Council.

You can also register your cat via the Casey website.

Keep your cat within your property

Most Casey residents can own up to two cats without a permit, depending on the property size. Find out whether you need a visa to keep extra animals.

You must keep your cat within your property at all times. Keeping your cat on your property can help it live up to 3 times longer. Your cat will not get hit by cars, get injured in a fight or catch any diseases.

Under the Casey Community Local Law 2023 and the Domestic Animals Act 1994, you may be fined if your cat is found wandering outside your property.

If you have a problem with a neighbourhood cat, you can make a complaint.

Nuisance cats

Under the Casey Community Local Law 2023, cats can be a nuisance if:

  • they repeatedly leave their owner's property (Clause 13)
  • make a lot of noise (Clause 14)
  • litter in neighbouring gardens or children's sandpits

If you have a problem with your neighbour's cat or dog, you should first talk to the owner. We find that most issues can be resolved with a friendly chat. If talking to your neighbour doesn't solve the problem, you can make a complaint.

Note: we do not offer cat cages for hire.

Make a complaint about nuisance cats

  1. Notify the cat's owner in writing that the cat is a nuisance and should be kept away from your property. Include when the cat was on your property, what it is doing, a description of the cat and photos (if available). Please keep a copy of this letter for future reference.
  2. If the written notification doesn't help, you can notify us in writing about the problem. Please include a copy of the initial letter and photos of the cat. You can submit your complaint by email at or by post.
  3. When you can identify where the cat belongs, we will contact the owner and discuss the matter/issue with them. This will be supported with a Notice to Comply addressed to the cat's owner. This will tell the owner what they need to do to make sure their cat is no longer a nuisance.
  4. If the cat continues to be a nuisance, we can take further action, including fines and impounding the cat.

Please note we cannot investigate a cat nuisance issue if you cannot identify where the cat is coming from.

If you believe a neighbour has excess cats at a property, you can make a complaint online:

Excess Cat Numbers Complaint

Cats living in Botanic Ridge or Settlers Run

You are not permitted to keep a cat - including indoors - if you live in the following: 

  • Botanic Ridge 
  • Settlers Run 
  • The part of Junction Village within the Botanic Ridge Precinct Structure Plan area or the Urban Growth Zone (Schedule 4).

All land titles in the Botanic Ridge Estate are encumbered by a restriction known as a Section 173 Agreement. It is an offence under Section 126 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to keep a cat on land in these areas.

These areas are close to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne. The gardens are home to many native and endangered animals, including Southern Brown Bandicoot. Cats are natural predators and are a danger to these native animals.

If you currently own a cat

If you currently own a cat in either of these areas, you must rehouse it and provide evidence to us. Failure to comply can result in legal action.

If your cat is already registered and you rehouse it, you can cancel your registration

If you see a cat belonging to someone else

If you can identify which property a cat comes from in Botanic Ridge or Settlers Run, please get in touch with us by phone at 9705 5200. Council will then investigate. 

Other restrictions and controls on my property

For specific advice about your property, you can undertake a title and property certificate search on the Landata website. 

Responsible cat breeding

You can notify us online if your cat has been desexed:

Desexed Cat Notification

Under the Casey Community Local Law 2018, all cats must be desexed unless:

  • the cat is over 10 years old
  • the cat is used for breeding in a registered breeding establishment
  • you're a member of an eligible organisation, and the cat is registered with that organisation
  • a qualified vet recommends that desexing the cat would be harmful to its health

Breeders may sell intact cats, but you must desex your cat before it can be registered.

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