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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Microchips & desexing

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You must make sure your pet is microchipped in Australia before you can register it with us. Microchipping and registering are two different things that together improve the likelihood of us returning your lost pet to you.

If your pet cannot be microchipped due to a medical condition, you must provide a letter from your vet to have it registered.

Visit the Agriculture Victoria website for more information about microchipping.


Desexing is part of being a responsible pet owner. It prevents unwanted pregnancies and improves your pet’s health by: 

  • reducing certain disease and health risks
  • reducing the desire to roam and the chance of accidents 
  • reducing aggression and the chance of fighting 

We recommend you desex your dog

We recommend you desex your dog before you register it. You'll receive a discount on your registration fee if your dog is desexed.

You can let us know that you've desexed your dog online:

Desexed Dog Notification 

Your local vet can give you further guidance on desexing your dog or puppy. You can also visit the Agriculture Victoria website for more information about dog desexing.


You are exempt from desexing if you have written proof that:

  • the dog is over 10 years old
  • the dog is dangerous and kept to guard a non-residential premises
  • the dog is used for breeding in a registered breeding establishment
  • you're a member of an eligible organisation and the dog is registered with that organisation

You must desex your cat

You must desex your cat before you can register it.

You can let us know that you've desexed your cat online: 

Desexed Cat Notification

Your local vet can give you further guidance on desexing your cat or kitten. You can also visit the Agriculture Victoria website for more information about cat desexing.


Your cat may be exempt from desexing if you have written proof that:

  • the cat is over 10 years old
  • the cat is used for breeding in a registered breeding establishment
  • you're a member of an eligible organisation and the cat is registered with that organisation
  • a qualified vet recommends that desexing the cat would be harmful to its health.


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