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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Planning and subdivision fees

The cost of your application depends on what you want to do and which class it fits into.

Planning application fees are set by the State Government under the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 which are reviewed on a regular basis and updated each financial year. We also set fees for some elements of local planning.

Application for permits and applications to amend permits

Class of permitType of ApplicationApplication FeeAmendment Fee
Class 1Change or allow a new use of the land$1,453.40$1,453.40
 Amendment to change what the permit allows, or to change any or all conditions (other than a permit to develop land for a single dwelling per lot or to use and develop land for a single dwelling per lot or to undertake development ancillary to the use of land for a single dwelling per lot)N/A$1,453.40
Single dwellingTo develop land, or to use and develop land for a single dwelling per lot, or to undertake development ancillary to the use of the land for a single dwelling per lot if the estimated cost of the development is:
Class 2Up to $10,000$220.50$220.50
Class 3$10,001 to $100,000$694.00$220.50
Class 4$100,001 to $500,000$1,420.70$694.00
Class 5$500,001 to $1,000,000$1,535.00$1,420.70
Class 6$1,000,001 to $2,000,000$1,649.30$1,420.70
Class 7Up to $10,000$220.50$220.50
Class 8More than $10,000$473.60$473.60
Class 9VicSmart application to subdivide or consolidate land$220.50$220.50
Class 10VicSmart Application (other than a class 7, class 8 or class 9 permit)$220.50$220.50
All other developments
Class 11Up to $100,000$1,265.60$1,265.60
Class 12$100,001 to $1,000,000$1,706.50$1,706.50
Class 13$1,000,001 to $5,000,000$3,764.10$3,764.10
Class 14$5,000,001 to $15,000,000$9,593.90$3,764.10
Class 15$15,000,001 to $50,000,000$28,291.70$3,764.10
Class 16More than $50,000,000$63,589.00$3,764.10
Class 17Subdivide an existing building$1,453.40$1,453.40
Class 18Subdivide land into two lots$1,453.40$1,453.40
Class 19Realignment of a common boundary between two lots or to consolidate two or more lots$1,453.40$1,453.40
Class 20To subdivide land ($1,453.40) for each 100 lots created)$1,453.40  per 100 lots created$1,453.40
Class 21To create, vary or remove a restriction within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988; or
To create or move a right of way; or
To create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way; or
To vary, or remove a condition in the nature of an easement other than a right of way in a Crown grant
Class 22A permit not otherwise provided for in this regulation$1,453.40$1,453.40

Permit applications/amendments of more than one class

Type of ApplicationFee
1. An application for more than one class of permit set out in the above table:
2. An application to amend a permit in more than one class set out in the above table:

The sum of:

  • The highest of the fees which would have been applied if separate applications were made; and
  • 50% of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made.

Amending an application after notice has been given

Type of ApplicationFee
1. Section 57A - Request to amend an application for permit after notice has been given; or
2. Section 57A - Request to amend an application for an amendment to a permit after notice has been given.
  • 40% of the application fee for that class of permit or amendment to permit; and
  • Where the class of application is changing to a new class of higher application fee, the difference between the fee for the application to be amended and the fee for the new class.

Subdivision certification and engineering

6Certification of a plan of subdivision$192.70
7Alteration of a plan$122.50
8Amendment of a certified plan$155.10
 Engineering costs based on the estimated cost of construction works: 
9Checking of engineering plans0.75%
10Engineering plan prepared by council3.5%
11Supervision of works2.5%

Other fees

15Certification of Compliance under Section 97N$359.30
16Amend or end a Section 173 agreement$726.70
18Satisfaction of matters$359.30

Amendments to planning schemes

Regulation 6 - Fees for stages of amendments to planning schemes (full process)

Stage Fee UnitsFee
1a) Considering a request to amend a planning scheme; and
b) Exhibition and notice of the amendment; and
c) Considering any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment; and
d) If applicable, abandoning the amendment
2a) Considering submissions which seek a change to an amendment, and where necessary, referring the submissions to a panel:
 i) Up to 10 submissions1021$16,672.90
 ii) 11 to 20 submissions2040$33,313.20
 iii) More than 20 submissions2727$44,531.90
 b) Providing assistance to a panel; and
c) Making a submission to the panel; and
d) Considering the panel's report; and
e) After considering submissions and the report, if applicable, abandoning the amendment.
3a) Adopting the amendment or a part of an amendment; and
b) Submitting the amendment for approval by the Minister; and
c) Giving the notice of the approval of the amendment.
4a) Consideration by the Minister of a request to approve an amendment; and
b) Giving notice of approval of an amendment.

The fees for stages 1, 2 and 3 are paid to the planning authority by the person who requested the amendment.

The fee for stage 4 is paid to the Minister by the person who requested the amendment.

Regulations 7 and 8 - fees for amendments to planning schemes by the Minister

RegulationPurposeFee unitsFee
7Request to the Minister to prepare an amendment to a planning scheme exempted from the requirements referred to in Section 20(4) of the Act270$4,409.10
8Request to the Minister to prepare an amendment to a planning scheme exempted from certain requirements prescribed under Section 20A of the Act65$1061.50

Regulation 14 - fee for combined permit application and planning scheme amendment

14(1)For the purposes of section 96A(4)(a) of the Act, the fee for an application for a permit when an amendment to a planning scheme is requested is 50% of the fee which would have applied if the application for the permit had been made separately. This is in addition to any fee or fees for the amendment to the planning scheme prescribed under regulation 6.
14(2)If the application for a permit referred to in subregulation (1) is for more than one class of permit set out in the Table at the foot of regulation 9, the fee for the permit is the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications for the permits had been made. This is in addition to any fee or fees for the amendment to the planning scheme prescribed under regulation 6.

Refer to the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 to obtain complete wording of the regulations and for regulations regarding waivers and rebates.

Fee Units

These Regulations provide for fees by reference to fee units within the meaning of the Monetary Units Act 2004.

The amount of the fee is to be calculated, in accordance with section 7 of that Act, by multiplying the number of fee units applicable by the value of a fee unit.

The value of a fee unit for future financial years is to be fixed by the Treasurer under section 5 of the Monetary Units Act 2004. The value of a fee unit for a financial year must be published in the Government Gazette and a Victorian newspaper before 1 June in the preceding financial year.

Fee unit value 2023/24 financial year = $15.90

Fee unit value 2024/25 financial year = $16.33

Planning and subdivision council fees 2024/2025

Inspection prior to issue of Statement of Compliance (Subdivision)$0
Re-inspection fee (GST inclusive)$360.00
Extension of Time to a Planning Permit (GST inclusive)$411.00
Secondary Consent Request (GST inclusive)$565.00
Application for Planning Consent (GST inclusive)$565.20
Condition Plan (re-check fee) First assessment free$252.00
Enquiries/Request for Information (GST inclusive)$283.00
Section 173 Agreement Administration Fee (GST inclusive)$362.00
Section 173 Agreement Administration Fee (Simple Growth Area Infrastructure Agreement) (GST inclusive)$720.00
Section 173 Agreement Administration Fee (Complex Growth Area Infrastructure Agreement) (GST inclusive)$1080.00
Request for Copy of Planning Permit Information (Permit/Endorsed Plans) (GST inclusive):$206.50
Advertising and Public Notice Fees: 
Administration Fee (GST inclusive)$92.50
Sign on Site (GST inclusive – per sign)$253.00
Notification to owners/occupiers per notice for 1 to 20 Notices (GST inclusive)$8.80
Notification to owners/occupiers per notice for 21 plus Notices (GST inclusive)$3.10
Notification in Local Newspaper (GST inclusive)$838.00

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