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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Apply to burn-off


You will require a permit from Council to burn on your property. Permits are only valid outside of the CFA declared Fire Danger Period which is usually between the cooler periods of May and November.

We issue permits to burn to enable larger block property owners the opportunity to safely reduce fuel loading on their properties in the lead up to the fire season by burning small dead branch and vegetation materials that may have accumulated over time. We also issue permits to burn to enable crop farmers the ability to burn-off stubble after a harvest to remove dead and dry vegetation that would otherwise pose a fire risk.

We usually do not issue permits for residents in built-up urban areas. If you have a lot of rubbish you need to dispose of, you can book a hard rubbish collection or learn more about where else to dispose of unwanted waste.

Burning off outside of the CFA declared Fire Danger Period is regulated by the City of Casey Community Local Law. The Local Law requires that a permit must be obtained before burning off can take place.

We control the amount of burning off that takes place for environmental, fire safety and public health reasons.

Key dates

Permit to Burn applications will be accepted from the conclusion of the Fire Danger Period which is usually in early May (as determined by the CFA) and will close on 31 October of the same year. No applications will be processed beyond this date. If the Fire Danger Period is declared earlier than 1 November, then applications may close sooner.

Permits issued will expire on 30 November of the same year or when the Fire Danger Period commences, whichever date comes first.

Burning off during the Fire Danger Period

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) declares the Fire Danger Period for the Casey municipality at different times each year in the lead up to the fire season. It depends on the amount of rain, how dry the grass and bush are, and other local conditions.

The Fire Danger Period may be declared as early as October some years, and remains in place until the fire danger lessens, which could be as late as May. Check the CFA website for the latest updates on the fire danger period in Casey.

The Fire Danger Period is NOT the same thing as a Total Fire Ban. A Permit to Burn issued by the City of Casey is not valid during the Fire Danger Period. If you wish to burn on your property during this period, you must apply for a fire permit from the CFA or Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) via

Total Fire Ban

During a CFA total fire ban day, you cannot burn anything on your property even if you have a permit from the CFA or from Council. Visit the CFA website to find out if there is a fire ban today.

What you cannot burn

You cannot burn any of the following:

  • rubber or plastic, including tyres
  • treated or painted timber
  • petroleum, oil or hydrocarbon-based substances
  • paint or receptacles that contained paint
  • manufactured chemicals
  • materials that contain asbestos
  • food waste
  • wet and/or green vegetation or anything else that would cause excessive smoke
  • anything that would cause offensive odours
  • noxious substances

Apply for a permit to burn

Tips for completing this form:

  • This form does not work in Internet Explorer. The form works best in Google Chrome.
  • The CFA Brigade field does not need to be filled in.
  • Under the Estimated Burn Area (Metres or Hectares) field, please use the format “length m x width m x height m”. (Example 3m x 2m x 2m).

Apply for a permit to burn

Alternatively, download and complete the Permit to Burn application form which you can submit:

We are no longer accepting completed forms via email due to the online application form being available.

What happens next

  • When considering your application we may need to refer to other departments of Council for assessment.
  • If required, we may need to contact you and arrange an inspection of your property.
  • If approved, we will post or email the permit to you within 10 business days.
  • If declined, we will contact you. You can appeal this decision by writing to the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.
  • Your permit will include when and how you are permitted to burn. You must follow the conditions of your permit.


Report burning

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