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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Object to a planning application

Relevant documentation associated with the application is available for public inspection online.

View currently advertised applications

Written submissions (in support or objecting to the application) should be submitted on the online portal.

Planning Application Portal

What to include in your objection

  1. If your objection concerns a property other than where you live, give details of the property and explain your interest in it.
  2. To ensure your objection is considered, lodge it on or before the date nominated in:
    • the notice you were sent
    • the advertising sign displayed on the subject land; and/or
    • the notice within the newspaper

Other ways to object

If you have attempted to object online but were unable to do so, please complete the Objection to the Grant of a Planning Permit.

Submit your completed form:

Objections received by the Responsible Authority may also be considered up to the time it determines the application.

Note: Objections are not confidential. As required by Section 57 of the Planning & Environment Act, your name and address may be made available to any person, including the applicant, for the purpose of consideration as part of the public planning process.

Petitions and multiple signatories

Petitions are counted as one (1) objection, regardless of the number of signatories.

Separate objections are required from each petitioner if they wish to have objector status and appeal rights, otherwise only the first signatory - or any other person as directed - will be registered as an objector.

Appealing a decision

If the planning permit is granted and you are unhappy with the decision, you may be able to appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Please contact our planning department to find out if you have appeal rights.

Details of the appeal procedures are set out on the back of the Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit which you will receive. The closing date for appeals is 21 days after the date the responsible authority issues the notice.

If the responsible authority refuses the application, the planning permit applicant may also appeal. The provisions are set out on the back of the Refusal to Grant a Planning Permit, which will be issued at that time.

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