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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Parking rules

On this page:

If you would like to request a parking officer to inspect a parking issue you can make a request online.

You can also find information on road and parking rules for school zones and the enforcement that Council provides.

Parking challenges in Casey

Casey is home to more car owners than any other Council area in metropolitan Melbourne.

At least 91% of Casey households own one car and 65% owning two or more cars. With more than 350,000 residents, car ownership in our city is estimated to reach 216,000 by 2026.

With more cars using our roads and parking spaces, the Casey community faces a challenge to keep our community safe. 

Everyone can do their part by learning about common parking concerns and understanding the role of Casey's parking officers to enforce parking rules.

Common parking concerns

Council is often contacted by residents concerned with illegal and unsafe parking in Casey.

Some common parking concerns reported include:

  • Illegal and unsafe parking around schools
  • Trucks parked in residential streets
  • Vehicles parked on nature strips
  • A parked vehicle blocking a driveway
  • A parked vehicle which is facing towards oncoming traffic
  • A vehicle parked too close to an intersection
  • A parked vehicle blocking access for emergency vehicles or causing traffic delays.

Other parking offences detected in the City of Casey involve vehicles which are:

  • Stopped or parked contrary to a no stopping sign
  • Parked for a period longer than indicated by timed
  • Parked in a bus zone
  • Double parking
  • Parked on a footpath.

Parking on nature strips

Parking on a nature strip is illegal.

This rule is set by the State Government, however each Council is responsible for enforcing this law.

This rule was introduced to:

  • Protect nature strips
  • Protect the infrastructure located beneath the nature strip
  • and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists when exiting driveways.

In Casey, our parking officers can use their discretion on vehicles parked on nature strips on roads with a width of 5.5 metres or less provided:

  • The nature strip is located outside the vehicles owner’s property.
  • The vehicle or vehicles do not affect the visibility of oncoming traffic to drivers or pedestrians.
  • The vehicle is not a heavy or over length vehicle, a trailer or a caravan.
  • The vehicle is not parked on a neighbour’s property.
  • The vehicle is not parked within 10 metres of an intersection.
  • The resident maintains the nature strip and repairs any damage caused by vehicles parking on the nature strip.
  • No obstruction is caused to statutory supply authorities including fire hydrants.
  • The vehicle is registered and not offered for sale.
  • Pedestrian access and footpaths are not obstructed.

Restrictions and timed parking

Council's parking inspectors can enforce parking restrictions and timed parking.

These parking regulations help to: 

  • keep turnover of parking consistent in high activity areas, allowing all motorists an opportunity to park in high-demand parking bays 
  • deter people from parking in areas where they risk the safety of pedestrians or may prevent drivers from having a clear view of roads (especially in school zones and around school crossings)
  • Keep access open for emergency vehicles.

Sensor parking at Bunjil Place

The City of Casey has introduced sensor parking technology in the Bunjil Place car parks. 

Visitors to the area must take note of parking restrictions where they are parking. There are two and three hour parking zones near Bunjil Place. If you are attending an event at Bunjil Place or its nearby precinct, you will need to obey the parking signs and restrictions while attending your event. 

Visit the Bunjil Place website for more information.

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