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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Council endorses Hampton Park Hill Development Plan

Hampton Park Hill Development Plan

The Hampton Park Hill Development Plan was endorsed at a Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 July.    

The Development Plan, which has attracted considerable community interest, will facilitate the future development of land around the existing Hallam Road landfill for waste and resource recovery activities, regional public open space and light industrial activities that generate local employment opportunities. 

City of Casey Chair of Administrators Noelene Duff PSM said the Development Plan must be consistent with strategic directions of the State Government as articulated in Plan Melbourne 2017-2050, the State-wide Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation Plan 2018 and the Hallam Waste and Resource Recovery Plan 2021.   

“The State Government has identified the land as one of 22 hubs of State importance for ‘waste and resource recovery’ to service the needs of the region,” she said.  

“Council is very mindful of the concerns raised in submissions around the operation of the existing landfill and a mooted proposal for a commercial transfer station on the land. We acknowledge these concerns, however due to Council’s planning role in the process and needing to not conflict with State Government policy, we were unable to consider them as part of this process.” 

Council officers have endeavoured to modify the Development Plan to accommodate relevant matters raised in submissions around land use planning matters. 

In light of residents’ concerns raised regarding the proposed Buffer Area Overlay, Ms Duff said Council will be delaying this aspect until further work and investigation has been undertaken on the merit of applying this planning control over residential land that is within the existing 500 metre Environment Protection Authority (EPA) recommended buffer for the landfill. 

“In the short-term, Council officers will continue to work closely with the EPA to ensure that the potential for off-site amenity impacts such as odour, dust, noise, and the like associated with the operation of the landfill are managed in line with planning approvals and EPA legislation to minimise any potential impacts on residents’ amenity,” she said.  

“Since the exhibition of the document, officers have continued to work not only on the presentation of the document, but the vision for the area, the objectives, requirements and guidelines, and the inclusion of three staging plans developed to recognise the future evolution of the area.  

“The Development Plan will be a vehicle for change for this area and will benefit the broader community through the provision of public open space in the longer-term once the existing landfill closes.”  

The Plan will influence the future character of the area through improved urban design outcomes with a focus on landscaping, high quality building design, and pedestrian and cycling connections throughout the area and to existing residential estates.  

“Future land use and development proposals will also need to build on the vision for the area, with land use activities being compatible with the surrounding residential development,” Ms Duff said.  

A motion to support a request for Ministerial authorisation for Planning Scheme Amendment C294case was also passed during the Council Meeting. The Amendment will enable the existing planning controls to be amended to ensure the vision and objectives of the Development Plan can be implemented. Residents, landowners, or other parties will have an opportunity to make submissions at a later date to C294 when it is placed on public exhibition. 

For more information, visit Casey Conversations.  

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