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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

A Regional Sports Precinct proposed for Clyde


Planning for the future development of a regional sports precinct for the growing suburb of Clyde has commenced, with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) contacting properties located in the acquisition area.

The subject site is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Ballarto Road and Muddy Gates Lane, Clyde, with the City of Casey proposing to acquire approximately 82 hectares of land to develop the precinct.

The proposed Clyde Park Sports Precinct will be located adjacent to the future Melbourne Water retarding basin and a proposed Parks Victoria regional park. Combined the three facilities will provide approximately 398 hectares of public land.

City of Casey Mayor Cr Geoff Ablett said that all properties included in the acquisition have been contacted directly by DEWLP via a letter, and Council officers will be following up with these properties with a phone call to organise a time to meet directly with the land owners.

“The proposed location of the precinct was determined in consultation with relevant agencies – City of Casey, DELWP, Parks Victoria and Melbourne Water,” said the Mayor.

“The Minister for Planning has established the Regional Parks Standing Advisory Committee to consider the views of the public and make recommendations to Council and the government on the final boundaries of the Clyde Park Sports Precinct and the adjacent regional park.

“As a Council we are focused on planning for and delivering facilities that will meet the needs of our growing municipality. By 2041 we are predicting a municipality with 500,000 plus residents, meaning now is the time for us to make decisions around how and where we can establish critical infrastructure.

“A municipality the size of Casey requires a significant number of sporting facilities to meet demand, to provide diversity and choice, and to ensure individuals can develop in their chosen sport. The Clyde Regional Sports Precinct would provide facilities for a number of sports that are currently underprovided in Casey including baseball, softball, hockey, rugby league and rugby union”.

An information session has been scheduled on 7.00 pm, Tuesday 12 June 2018 at the Cranbourne Golf Club (Golf Links Road, Cranbourne) for people interested in finding out more about the proposal.

If you have any further questions about the proposal, please contact Peter Gillieron, Principal Property Advisor, at or on (03) 9705 5437.

Issued  29 May 2018

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