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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Casey outperforms other Council’s in 2018 Community Satisfaction Survey results


The City of Casey has outperformed the state-wide averages in the 2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey, with Council again receiving its best score for Customer Service.

Casey’s overall performance score of 61 remained unchanged from the 2017 result. Council scored well above the state average in all six categories, with performance in five out of six categories improving or remaining stable compared to Casey’s own results last year.

Art Centres and Libraries ranked as the top performing area with 73 per cent of respondents giving it a very good or good score.

Recreational Facilities also rated high, with seven in ten Casey residents rating Council’s performance in the area as very good or good. In addition, the area of Waste Management saw Casey rated highly with eight in ten residents also evaluating Council’s performance in this area as very good or good.

City of Casey Mayor Cr Geoff Ablett said the results are encouraging particularly considering that Council did not experience any significant decline in ratings in the past year and is performing significantly higher than the average rates for the outer suburban Council group and state-wide Council’s in many areas.

"This year we also saw an exceptional increase in satisfaction in the areas of Art Centres and Libraries, and I have no doubt this is as a result of opening our magnificent new community arts and cultural precinct Bunjil Place in October last year", said the Mayor.

"It’s no surprise that we saw further improvements in our results in Customer Service. More customers are using our website, email or social media to resolve their queries. We have made this a key focus across the organisation through the work undertaken to transform our top services to make them digital. This has enabled our residents to interact with Council and transact digitally anywhere, anytime and on any device.

"In addition, we have introduced concierge staff on the floor of Bunjil Place who are equipped to assist our customers as soon as they walk through the doors. Our residents can also speak with us through a variety of channels including on social media, enabling them to reach us through the channel of their choice at a time that is convenient to them.

"With the survey being conducted in February-March we didn’t see the advocacy category climb as much as we would hope as we had only just launched our Commit to Casey campaign, but I anticipate we will see the results of this advocacy work represented in next year’s results."

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