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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

National Recycling Week 2023

National Recycling Week 2023

Launched by Planet Ark, National Recycling Week (13-19 November 2023) aims to raise awareness about recycling and the waste hierarchy, which includes reducing, reusing, and recycling to minimize the strain on finite resources.

See what's on this National Recycling Week in the City of Casey:

Event Details

Waste and Recycling Information Night

Monday 13 November, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Join us for an interesting and educational evening learning all about Waste and Recycling in the City of Casey. We’ll discuss the current and future of waste disposal (Advanced Waste Processing (AWP)), Recycling, Food and Garden Waste bins and the resulting compost, soft plastics, Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) and more. Speakers will be from council as well as relevant industry speakers.

This will be followed by a Q&A panel made up of the speakers, and residents will get a chance to submit questions beforehand and ask them on the night.

Register here.

Roving refills deliveries discount

Wednesday 15 November

City of Casey’s Waste Education Team have partnered with Roving Refills Frankston to offer 20% off refills for skin, body and cleaning products delivered to your door – just have your empty bottles and containers ready!

Help reduce your plastic waste and your impact on our environment.
Bookings essential through

Textile drop-off day

Saturday 18 November

Do you have household linens, clothes and shoes that are ready for a new home? Or are they at the end of their lives and in need of recycling?

This National Recycling Week you can drop them off for free so they can be recycled or rehomed through a local charity. Bookings essential.

Book here.

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