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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Creating a sustainable future in Casey

Circular Casey

The City of Casey is providing funding and support to seven projects led by innovative start-ups, businesses, and social enterprises to collaborate and solve key environmental challenges, while also providing immediate benefits to the community.

As one of the fastest growing and diverse communities in Australia, the City of Casey recognises the need for a circular economy to ensure sustainable growth and provide future opportunities in the local economy.

Through research and community engagement, three key areas were recently identified as high priorities to enable the transition towards a more sustainable future:

  1. The food sector: particularly the production of organic waste, which accounts for almost 40 per cent of the waste produced in our homes.
  2. The construction and demolition sector: as more houses are built to host a growing population, it is vital to reduce the amount of waste and emissions produced in the process.
  3. The use of buildings: it is important to maintain and adapt existing buildings so that they respond to society’s evolving needs in an efficient way.

City of Casey Chair of Administrators Noelene Duff PSM said that while these problems are complex, funding circular economy innovations will pave the way towards comprehensive solutions.

“We are excited to support this initial batch of pro-active organisations via six-month pilot programs as part of our Circular Casey initiative. Through these partnerships, local businesses and residents will have access to a variety of services over the upcoming months, as we all pull together to create a sustainable future for the Casey community,” Ms Duff said.

To tackle food waste, Reground will collect used coffee grounds from Casey cafés and deliver them, for free, to local community gardens, schools, and home gardens. Here the coffee grounds can be repurposed as fertiliser.

Households can sign up for the OzHarvest program, “Use It Up”, to learn simple habits to reduce food waste and save money at home.

Forkful will onboard Casey hospitality businesses onto their app, allowing them to sell food at the end of the day at a reduced price. This will enable businesses to prevent food waste, and get some extra sales, while Casey residents will have access to healthy food for a lower price.

To enable a more sustainable construction and demolition sector, Activ group, in collaboration with Reece Group, will engage local businesses and provide them with an avenue to divert troublesome materials from landfill, ensuring these materials are given the best possible second life.

FTD Circular will support the renovation of community facilities around the City of Casey, ensuring that retired furniture and products are diverted from landfill and repurposed.

Evitat will support homeowners in Casey in assessing the efficiency of their houses and provide support for home improvements to reduce their energy use, carbon footprint and costs, while increasing the value of a property.

Finally, the Rosella Street Platform will enable Casey residents to resell, rent, swap or giveaway unused items. The forum discussion and knowledge hub on Rosella Street will also help residents connect with the community, with other Circular Casey initiatives, and actively participate in the circular economy.

To find out more about Circular Casey and how to get involved in the trials, visit Casey Conversations.

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